Vision and mission
"Making a Masters Program in Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Udayana that is able to produce graduates who are excellent, independent, and cultured and have competitiveness at the National, Regional and Global levels in 2025 in the use of natural materials to support Travel Health"
“Empowering the Master of Biomedical Sciences Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University that Implements the Tri Dharma of Higher Education Based on Science and Technology Development and Cultural Values.”
The mission can be detailed based on the description of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education as follows:
1. Organizing a quality Masters in Biomedical Science education referring to the National Higher Education Standards.
2. Conducting strategic research relevant to the development of concentrations of Anti-Aging Medicine, Reproductive Medicine, and Basic Medical Sciences in used of natural compound that support Travel Health
3. Organizing community service in accordance with science and technology competencies and cultural values.
4. Organizing cooperation with various parties both at home and abroad, in order to strengthen and improve the quality of education, research and scientific publications.