The Relationship between Nurse’s Workload with Job Satisfaction in Emergency Room at RSUD Buleleng in the Year 2015
Luh Suardani | 1302115003Fakultas Kedokteran | PS. ILMU KEPERAWATAN
Effect of Chest Physiotherapy Against Oxygen Saturation in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease In RSUD Buleleng.
Luh Ayu Suardiani | 1302115004Fakultas Kedokteran | PS. ILMU KEPERAWATAN
Differences Effectiveness Warm Compreses of Regional Abdomen Body Temperature Decrease Clients Against Children And Adults In RSUD Buleleng
Sayu Ngurah Widiasih | 1302115005Fakultas Kedokteran | PS. ILMU KEPERAWATAN
The Effect of Foot Exercise toward Ankle Brachial Index in the Elderly with Hypertension in Posyandu Lansia Banjar Tulang Ampiang Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Denpasar Utara II.
Made Bayu Oka Widiarta | 1302115007Fakultas Kedokteran | PS. ILMU KEPERAWATAN
The Influence Of Counseling On The Changes Of Knowledge And Attitude Of Pregnancy In following The Prevention Of Mother To Child Transmission (PMTCT) Program Prong I
Simson Melkior Yulius Djami La | 1302115009Fakultas Kedokteran | PS. ILMU KEPERAWATAN
The Relation of Therapeutic Nurse-Patient to the Anxiety Level of Pre-Operation’s Patients in IRNA C RSUP Sanglah Denpasar.
Ni Made Artini | 1302115010Fakultas Kedokteran | PS. ILMU KEPERAWATAN
Factors Which are Related to the Behaviour of Nurses in Separating Medical and Non-medical Waste Materials at The Emergency Care Unit of the Public Hospital of Prof. Dr. W. Z. Johannes Kupang.
Bergita Olivia Hali Samon | 1302115011Fakultas Kedokteran | PS. ILMU KEPERAWATAN
Factors are Contributed with the Antenatal Care Visit (K4) in the Operational area of the Public Health Center of Kuala Behe West Borneo
Sylvianingsih | 1302115013Fakultas Kedokteran | PS. ILMU KEPERAWATAN
Knowledge About Cervical Cancer and Cervical Cancer Prevention Behaviors In Teenagers in SMA Negeri 3 Kupang NTT
Jeantte Chrisato Ndolu | 1302115014Fakultas Kedokteran | PS. ILMU KEPERAWATAN
Relationship of Noisy to Sharp Hearing and Blood Pressure of Workers in the Production Department of PT. SAG Kupang
Micks Brafyuth Penlaana | 1302115015Fakultas Kedokteran | PS. ILMU KEPERAWATAN